

Hook Road Cemetery, Hook Road, Goole, DN14 5LU

Office Opening Hours

The Council Office is open for public business from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Thursday and Friday 9am-4.30pm, for the purpose of affording information, the registration of interments, the receiving of applications for grave spaces and interments, applications for memorials and perusal of the cemetery records.  The office will not be open on Saturdays, Sundays or Public and local fixed holidays, which include Good Friday, Christmas Day, Easter etc.

Cemetery Hours

The cemetery shall be open to visitors, unless otherwise determined by the Council:

Month Weekdays Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
November, December, January, February 08.00 – 16.00 hours 08.00 – 16.00 hours
March and October 08.00 – 17.00 hours 08.00 – 17.00 hours
April and September 08.00 – 20.00 hours 08.00 – 20.00 hours
May, June, July and August 08.00 – 21.00 hours 08.00 – 21.00 hours

Wildflower plot


Photograph taken July 2024 of the beautiful wildflowers in Hook Road Cemetery


Car parking is available for up to 12 cars in the front entrance of the cemetery. However, except for disabled access, vehicles are only allowed within the grounds when they form part of a funeral cortege. Any person using a motor vehicle in a cemetery shall only do so on a carriageway suited to the purpose and with the consent of the Council.  When parking in the cemetery, please make sure that you are not obstructing access for other users.

To maintain the appearance of our grounds, please do not drive or park on grassed areas or over grass corners. For safety purposes, the speed limit within all cemeteries is 10mph.

Disabled Access

Access to the cemetery can be gained by using a Radar key to open the left hand gate. Please ensure the gate is locked behind you when entering and leaving the cemetery so to as to stop other unauthorised cars driving in to the grounds.


Children under 12-years-old are only allowed in the cemetery and crematorium grounds when accompanied by, and under the care of, a responsible adult.


All dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and any dog litter must be picked up and placed in the dog bins provided. Dog fouling laws apply, so please pick up your dog’s mess.


All cemetery records are held at Goole Town Council offices.

Other Information

  • Book of Remembrance

    Our book of remembrance allows you to leave a simple and lasting memorial for your loved ones. An application form is available from the Goole Town Council offices. Inscriptions are displayed on the relevant date.

    The book is available for viewing:

    Add timetable

  • Burial Information

    When a right of burial is purchased, it gives the owner control over the burials in the grave, as well as the right to place a memorial.

    Rights of burial are currently available for a period of 80 years at Hook Road Cemetery and a plot may also pre-purchased (reserved). Graves cannot be chosen but instead a grave is designated for you. All graves on the new plots follow a strict sequence where the next grave goes in front of the last grave so that soil boxes and excavators are not positioned on graves that have been recently dug.

    When a right of burial has been purchased, a grave deed will be issued along with a copy of the current regulations. The right cannot be purchased for a period in excess of 80 years, however there is an option to extend the right for a further 20 years once the right is coming to an end. It is only the right of burial that is purchased and the ground itself remains in the ownership of the council.

    Grave digging

    When a grave is being excavated, a wooden box is built for the soil to be placed in. Unfortunately, the situation sometimes arises where we cannot avoid putting the box onto someone else’s grave, so we can only apologise for any inconvenience or distress that this may cause. The area will be left clean and tidy after the backfill of the grave has taken place.

  • Cremation Information

    Cremated Remains Plots

    Cremated remains plots can accommodate up to two sets of remains, either in a casket or poured loose. The council does not inter non bio-degradable plastic containers.

    Garden of Remembrance

    Cremated remains are poured loose into a small hole, we do not bury caskets or non bio-degradable containers in this area. A small rose bush may be planted over the remains to mark their location.

    Although we are not obliged to keep records of the location of the remains, all burials in the garden are recorded.

    Floral tributes may be placed over the grave for 14 days. Any we regard as unsightly will be removed.

    Burials into a grave (new or existing)

    Up to four sets of cremated remains can be interred into a grave space providing we have given permission and the relevant documentation has been completed.

  • Types of Memorials

    Traditional Grave Sections

    • Shall not be less than 2” (7.62 cm.) in thickness.
    • Shall not exceed 3’ in width, 3’ in height and 12” in depth.
    • Foundation slabs for headstones should always be wider than the headstone base.  They should be a minimum thickness of 2½ ” and a minimum depth (i.e. front to back) of 16”.
    • Must be fixed using an approved ground support system (as detailed in the National Association of Memorial Masons Code of Working Practice).
    • Must have the grave number engraved on the back.

    Kerb Edging

    Concrete kerbs and chippings will only be permitted on traditional grave sections and after prior written consent has been approved by the Cemetery Manager. All materials used should be of sound quality.  Should any further interments take place it is the responsibility of the purchaser to remove all edgings and chippings at least 48 hours prior to the interment taking place. Should the grave be subject to subsidence in the future, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to remove edgings and chippings placed upon the grave prior to the Cemetery staff topping up the grave.  It is then the responsibility of the purchaser to replace the above mentioned items after any of these procedures have taken place.

    Lawn Sections Headstones

    • Shall not be less than 2” (7.62 cm.) in thickness.
    • Shall not exceed 3’ in width , 3’ in height and 12” in depth.
    • Foundation slabs for headstones should always be wider than the headstone base.  They should be a minimum thickness of 2½ ” and a minimum depth (i.e. front to back) of 14”.
    • Must be fixed to the foundation plinth using an approved ground support system (as detailed in the National
    • Association of Memorial Masons Code of Working Practice) or dowelled into the foundation plinth using the specification of dowels as laid down in the above mentioned Code of Working Practice.
    • Must only be fixed onto the foundation slab and not onto any other part of the grave.
    • Must have the grave number engraved on the back.

    Mounds, Kerbs etc.

    The right to enclose any graves on lawn sections will not be granted. No grave mound, raised or sunken footstones, kerbs, chippings, landings, plastic or wooden fencing or memorials of any other description or flower containers or any other item, will be permitted on the lawn (grass) part of the grave.  No trees, shrubs or flowers shall be planted on or about the grave.  Prohibited items will be removed into temporary storage awaiting collection by the grave owner or representative.

    Flower Containers

    Unless incorporated in the memorial, vases and flower containers must be limited to two per grave, be placed at the side of any headstone (or at the head of the grave if no headstone is erected), and must not exceed 6” in height and 6” in width (including base).

    Cremated Remains Sections

    • On each grave a table top memorial measuring 18” in depth, 12” in width, 4” in height at the back and 1” at the front must be erected.
    • A blank desk tablet (dimensions as above) must be placed on all pre-purchased graves.
    • Only black granite memorials with a polished top shall be permitted.
    • Only silver lettering will be permitted on memorials.
    • All memorials must be erected on a foundation slab measuring 24” in depth and 18” in width, must be level with the surrounding surface.  This must be supplied and installed by the Memorial Mason.
    • All memorials must have the grave number marked on the back.
    • No other memorial, vase, monument etc. is allowed to be placed either on the foundation stone or the surrounding grass area.

    Babies Graves Section

    • A variety of memorials are permitted, e.g. tablet, plinth, vase, small headstone and book
    • Headstone shall not exceed 1’ 9’’ in width, 2’ in height and 12’ in depth
    • Foundation stone shall not exceed 2’ in width, and 15” in depth
    • All items must be placed within the confines of the grave and must not encroach onto any other grave or pathway.
    • Must have the grave number engraved on the back.
  • Memorabilia Rights and Regulations

    Bereaved relatives remember their friends and family in a variety of ways with messages, memorabilia or ornaments.

    You have the right to place a memorial on your grave or plot. However, this must be within the constraints of cemetery regulations. Alternatively, you can leave the grave unmarked. You have a responsibility to maintain the memorial upon the grave during the period of grave rights granted to you. The memorial cannot be disturbed or moved during this period, without your permission, unless it poses a safety hazard. If a safety hazard is identified and remains uncorrected, we will take action.

    We appreciate that this is a sensitive and emotional time for you. As well as considering your individual feelings, we also must be sensitive to the wishes of all our visitors and keep the cemetery grounds safe and appropriate places for everyone.

    Lawned Sections

    • No kerbs of any kind are permitted within these sections of the cemetery grounds.
    • All vases and memorabilia must be placed on the concrete foundation stone either side of the headstone and must not be placed on the grass area of the grave.
    • No items made of glass or ceramic are permitted
    • Items on metal stakes, sticks or hooks need to be placed in the flower container provided, and must not exceed 12 inches in height

    Traditional Sections

    • Home-made kerbs are permitted but they must be no larger than the grave itself. Should a grave need to be re-opened for burial, it is the family’s responsibility to remove kerbs prior to the funeral taking place.
    • It is permitted to cultivate the grave and plant the area of the grave but any ground that is outside the boundary of the grave space must not be cultivated

    We will remove any items found in breech of the regulations.

    Also, to comply with legislation, all headstones/memorials need to have a ground anchor and must be fitted by an approved stonemason.

  • Cemetery Cost & Fees

    For details of the current costs and fees for burials and cremations in Hook Road Cemetery please follow the link below:

    Cemetery Charges 2024-2025


  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Why are graves dug so deep?

    The grave must be deep enough to allow for the depth of coffins/caskets that are buried but also to accommodate legal requirements and any future burials in that grave.

    Are graves filled in straight after a funeral?

    Yes, the grave is filled immediately after mourners have left the graveside.

    Can people wait while the grave is filled in?

    Yes. When families want this, we need to be made aware when the burial is first arranged.

    Can anyone witness the grave being filled?

    Yes, so long as we are notified in advance.

    I have a lawn grave. When will I be able to put a memorial onto it?

    Almost immediately. Most of our lawn sections have concrete grips that the headstone sits on, so there is no waiting for settlement.

    Why have I only been sold the grave for a set period of time?

    Legally, graves cannot be sold for more than 100 years, however the council only issues graves for 80 years.

    What happens when the lease expires?

    When you buy a grave you purchase the rights of burial in that grave for a set period of time. After this time the burial rights will run out unless they renewed. Extensions can be granted for 25 years if not then the grave becomes the responsibility and property of Goole Town Council.

    What happens if / when all the owners have died?

    Ownership of the right of burial in a grave can be transferred from a deceased owner via their estate. Each case is examined individually and can be highly complex. If you need to transfer ownership when all owners are deceased, please contact us.

    Why can’t I have what I want on the grave?

    When a new grave is purchased it is not the ownership of the land itself that is purchased, but the rights to have burials take place. These rights are granted, together with the rights to erect a memorial on the grave, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the cemetery.

    What options do I have for burying cremated remains?

    Cremated remains can be buried in the Memorial Garden, Rose Garden or into an existing grave with the permission of the owner as long as there is enough room. Remains into the rose garden can only be poured in loose, however caskets can be buried in the Memorial Garden or existing graves.

  • Genealogy & Record Search

    Genealogy & Record Search

    If you wish to trace your family tree or would just like to know where someone you knew has been laid to rest, we can help. Please contact Goole Town Council on 01405 763652 to discuss this.

    Burial Registers

    Burial registers are kept at our main office, Junction, Paradise Place, Goole and can be accessed by the public by appointment. Please call in or telephone the council on 01405 763652

  • Exhumations of a Deceased Body


    Exhumation is the removal from the ground of the remains of a human being, either in the form of a body or cremated remains. Such events tend to be rare and can be traumatic for the family involved. They can take a long time to arrange and are usually expensive.


    It is an offence to exhume any human remains without first obtaining the necessary lawful permissions. Both buried and cremated remains require a licence from central government. Funeral directors can help in obtaining these. Exhumation licences will also contain certain conditions that have to be observed.

    If the person is buried in consecrated grounds, permission from the church must also be obtained. An Environmental Health officer must be present at the exhumation of a body to make sure there is no threat to public health.

    Occasionally, cadaver certificates are required in addition to exhumation licences. A funeral director usually applies for these on your behalf, but you can apply directly to our Environmental Health unit for one if you wish.

    Reasons for exhumations

    Exhumations occur for a number of reasons, including:

    • Movement from the original grave to a subsequently acquired family plot in the same or other cemetery
    • Repatriation overseas to be buried along with other family
    • Transfer from one cemetery scheduled for development to another
    • Court orders requiring further forensic examination

    Decency and safety

    An Environmental Health officer is present at all exhumations. They make sure that respect for the deceased person is maintained and that public health is protected. The officer will also ensure that:

    • The correct grave is opened
    • The exhumation starts as early as possible in the morning to ensure maximum privacy
    • The plot is screened as appropriate for privacy
    • Health and safety of all workers is maintained
    • Everyone present shows due respect to the deceased person and to adjoining graves
    • The nameplate on the casket corresponds to that on the licence,
    • The new casket has been approved
    • All human remains and all the pieces of casket are placed in the new casket,
    • The new casket is properly sealed
    • The area of exhumation is properly disinfected
    • Satisfactory arrangements are in place for the onward transmission of the remains

    If the conditions of the licence cannot be met, or there are public health or decency concerns, the exhumation may not proceed.

  • Repatriation of a deceased body

    Repatriation explains what you need to do to have a body allowed back into, or taken out of, England and Wales.

    Taking a body out of England and Wales

    Some countries require a cadaver certificate before they will allow a body into the country for burial. The certificate, if issued, confirms that no epidemic of infectious disease occurred in the borough for some three months preceding the death.

    Obtaining the cadaver certificate is usually handled by your undertaker, however anyone can apply.

    The certificate is issued by the Environmental Health officer for the council in whose area the person died, or is to be exhumed from before reburial elsewhere.

    Repatriation of a deceased body from abroad to England or Wales

    If a death occurs abroad, the death should be registered according to the local regulations of that country and a death certificate should be obtained.

    To bring the body home you must:

    • Get a certified English translation of the death certificate
    • Get permission to remove the body, issued by a coroner (or equivalent) in the country where the person died
    • Tell a coroner in England if the death was violent or unnatural

    You can ask for advice from the British consulate, embassy or high commission  in the country where the person died.

    Once the body is home, take the death certificate to the registry office of the place where the burial is taking place. As the death has already been registered abroad, the registrar will give you a ‘certificate of no liability to register’. Give this to the funeral director so the funeral can go ahead.

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